Useful Links
There are many sites which are useful to trade union members. Some are union sites, others are concerned with health and safety, specific campaigns, or bookshps which sell TUC and other union books.
If you have a link that you think should be included, let me know.
- Trade Union Congress
- This is the first place to go for everyone on trade union courses. It contains current information on union issues, legal matters, a splendid health and safety section, and many links to other websites. You also have the ability to search the site on a specific problem. Also, why not download the TUCs 'Risks' bulletin and keep up to date with current developments?
Alternatively, if you wish to speak to anyone concerning TUC education in the South East, please phone our Regional Education Officer, Maggie Foy, on 0207 467 1238, or Natasha Owusu on 0207 467 1237.
- Labour Research Department
- Labour Research magazine has acquired a reputation for exposing many of the iniquities of the system. It also publishes pamphets on issues from asbestos to website use. It is a resourse that should be subscribed to by all trade union branches.
- London Hazard Centre
- Based in Hampstead Town Hall, the Centre has, over the years, been built up by ordinary trade unionists who realised that there was a real need for detailed health and safety information. Those who go on our Health and Safety 2 or Occupational Health and Safety courses will get the opportunity to do project research in the Centre.
- The Simon Jones Campaign
- In 1998, Simon was killed at work in a horrific accident whilst trying to earn extra money to subsidise a college course. Mostly, these things are never reported in the national press. The campaign was set up with the aim of ensuring that Simon's death, and that of many others, is not ignored. It has also led to intense discussion about the need to update the law on corporate killing.
- Bookmarks Bookshop
- To have a good bookshop which sells the sort of books that the highstreet stores wouldn't bother with is good in itself. To have a bookshop that sells political and trade union books as its main offering is even better. Log onto their site (the link directs you straight to the trade union section) and see why they are the official bookseller at TUC and many other union conferences. And they're just round the corner from Congress House!
- The Health and Safety Executive
- This site speaks for itself and includes the ability to search for particular health and safety issues, reports, and current news on safety matters.
- The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
- The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), was set up in 1949 and has 225 affiliated organisations in 148 countries and territories on all five continents, with a membership of 157 million.
It has three major regional organisations, in Asia and the Pacific, in Africa, and in the Americas. It also maintains close links with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) (which includes all ICFTU European affiliates) and Global Union Federations, which link together national unions from a particular trade or industry at international level.
- LabourStart
- LabourStart is a service provided by Labour and Society International for the international trade union movement. It is one of the best sites around for finding out what is going on in the trade union world...anywhere!
- Centre for Corporate Accountability
- The Centre for Corporate Accountability is a not-for-profit organisation funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. It was set up in 1999 to promote worker and public safety by providing advice, and undertaking research and advocacy, on matters relating to law enforcement and corporate criminal accountability.
- Searchlight Magazine
- Searchlight's aim is to combat racism, neo-nazism, fascism and all forms of prejudice. Searchlight is a non-sectarian organisation in political, ethnic and religious terms. It believes in achieving the broadest possible unity in the fight against racism, neo-nazism, fascism and prejudice.
Searchlight has existed for more than 30 years. In summer 1962, in response to a resurgence of open and violent neo-nazi activities, a group of people from a wide variety of political and religious backgrounds met in London to set up the Searchlight Association. Searchlight has appeared as a monthly magazine since 1975.
Unite Against Fascism
Unite Against Fascism is a new national campaign with the aim of alerting British society to the rising threat of the extreme right, in particular the British National Party (BNP), gaining an electoral foothold in this country.