The Core Courses - January 2008
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Union Reps 1 / Stepping Up - Avanced course for Union Reps / Health and Safety 1 / Next Steps for Safety Reps

This course will help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to represent your members.

It covers:

# Your job as a union rep
# Building union membership
# Grievance and discipline
# Your rights and negotiating at work
# Representing members
# Making and using agreements

One day a week over a ten week period from Monday 19th January 2008

For those who have completed Stage 1

It covers:

# Trade union context
# Planning
# Organising
# Campaigning
# Rights at work
# Collective bargaining
# Leading on the collective agenda

One day a week over a ten week period from Thursdays 22nd January 2008

This course will help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to represent your members.

It covers:

# The role and responsibilities of safety reps
# Organising for health and safety
# Preventing accidents and ill-health
# Skills for the health and safety rep

One day at week over a ten week period from Tuesdays 20th January 2008

For those who have completed Stage 1 Health and Safety

The course aims to:

# Build a safer and healthier workplace
# Building health and safety organisation
# Keeping up-to-date on health and safety
# Effecting change on health and safety

One day a week over a ten week period Wednesday 21st January

Course times / Open College Network

These courses begin at 09.30 am and end at 16.30 pm each week. All TUC courses are accredited with Open College Network which enables learners to obtain 'credits'. These can be used for further education.

Union Reps Stage 1 - 15 OCN credits and level 1/2
Stepping Up - 15 OCN credits at level 2/3
Health and Safety Stage 1 - 15 OCN credits at level 1/2
Next Steps for Safety Reps - 15 OCN credits at level 2/3


If he does it, the next person is pressurised to do the same!

A surprising number of people do things at work due to being pressurised. The first rule of health and safety is to encourage a climate whereby people at least ask their Safety Representative first if they are concerned. This takes good union organisation on our part and a knowledge of the law.

It's these sorts of things that the Union Representatives and Health and Safety Representatives courses offer.

Next page...Risk Assessment, Employment Law, and the TUC's Occupational Certificate in Health and Safety