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Below, you will find details of our short courses - Union Learning Reps, Lighten the Load (muscular-skeletal disorders), Mental Health Awareness for Trade Union Reps, Environmental Issues in the Workplace, Disability Champions, Equality Reps, and Riaks Assessment.


The course will help reps to:

  • Develop a better understanding of Mental Health in general.
  • Develop a better understanding of work related Mental Health issues.
  • Develop a better understanding of Disability Discrimination Law and how it applies to people with Mental Health issues.
  • Develop through the use of case studies and role play, some practical skills for dealing with Mental Health related issues.

Produce an action plan to work with members and employers to develop a strategy for Mental Health issues.

Wednesday to Friday
26th February, 5th and 12th March 2009
09.30 - 4.30pm

Risk assessment is the theme for European Health and Safety week 2008. TUC Education has refreshed course materials together with TUC published guidance for safety reps on risk assessment.


Course aims

This course will help trade union health and safety reps: 
  • identify the legal requirements concerning risk assessment
  • understand the risk assessment process
  • relate risk assessment to strategies for improving health and safety at work

Wednesday - Friday
11th - 13th Feb 2008
9.30 - 4.30pm


Environmental reps in the workplace are achieving energy savings and huge cost benefits for their employers. Small steps, such as recycling paper or turning off lights, can make an enormous difference. Unions and employers need to do much more to help UK businesses to clean up their act and begin to make a real change. Raising awareness and educating members will give them to give them a better understanding of environmental issues. The course has been designed to meet the growing demand from trade union members and reps for information, knowledge and skills to deal with environmental issues. This impact has been driven by global pressures on the environment, the international response, the raising of the stakes from the UK political system and widespread recognition that the environment is a serious concern at every level of society. The last few years have seen an increase in the amount and complexity of equalities issues at work. 19th, 26th March 20099.30am to 4.30pmEQUALITY REPS Union reps need to be able to keep up to date with equality legislation and handle issues such as flexible working, reasonable adjustments and discrimination. That's why unions are building the role of equality reps to help make workplaces fairer and more equality aware. This training course will train equality reps in their new role and help them get to grips with the new and changing equality agenda. Equality reps can promote fairness in the workplace by raising the equality agenda among fellow workers and their own unions; by encouraging employers to make equality and diversity part of mainstream collective bargaining; by working with vulnerable workers and trying to ensure that every worker receives fair treatment1st, 2nd, 3rd April 200909.30am to 4.30pm


This course is for Union Learning Representatives (ULRs). There are many tasks that ULRs are required to do, such as: - working with members and other union reps to improve learning opportunities within your workplace - working with other union representatives to build the union at work - offering information and support to members abour learning issues - helping individuals to overcome barriers which may prevent them getting involved in learning - promoting the union role in developing learning opportunities - meeting management to discuss learning and skills - working with outside organisations.

The course will help you to: - develop your skills and knowledge about the role of ULRs - build contacts within your own union and with outside organisations - work with other union reps to improve union organisation at your workplace - find out what your union policies are around learning - integrate learning and skills in wider union activities and structures - promote the value of learning and skills within the workplace - identify members learning needs - support members in managing their own learning - represent the interests of members - use a systematic approach to problem solving - develop a learning strategy incorporating equality for all - work with other union reps on learning issues - work with your employer to develop learning opportunities - collect and record information - find out about Government policies and programmes for learning and skills.

Five Fridays from 27th February 2008
9.30 - 4.30pm


Physical factors include: lifting, carrying, pulling and pushing; repetitive movements, working in the cold or in excessive heat; and awkward and static postures.

* using force - lifting, carrying, pulling, pushing 
* repetition of movements - typing, painting 
* awkward and static posture - prolonged standing and sitting, working with hands above the shoulders 
*  contact pressure - local compression of tools 
*  vibration - whole body and hand-arm 
* cold working environments


There are also organisational, psychosocial, and individual factors at play. Therefore, how do we prevent this?

6th and 13th February 2008
09.30 - 4.30pm

The Disability Champions@Work project is now in its third year. They currently have around 150 Champions identified from 15 different trade unions. The training course is now a part of the TUC provision offered at a number of colleges throughout the country and, at the 2005 Congress, the TUC carried a resolution calling for activists to become Champions in every workplace.

What is a disability champion?

Disability champions will be trade union representatives with an interest in disability issues. They will be key contacts for disabled members. They will be trained to give advice and guidance to members and to their employers on disability issues.There are 10 golden rules:-A disability champion :-
  • recognises the abilities and potential abilities of all workers.
  • will ensure that employers enable their workers.
  • will help their employer find enabling solutions.
  • will share information, ideas and innovations with others.
  • understands that society and culture disable people, not "medical conditions"
  • will strive to eradicate negative perceptions of disabled people.
  • will consider accessibility and inclusion in all aspects of their work.
  • will use the union's structures to influence policy on disability issues.
  • will be active campaigners.
  • will be justifiably proud of their achievements on behalf of others.

    18th, 19th, 20th February 2009
    9.30am - 4.30pm